Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Quota Scheme Scholarships for Developing Countries in Norway

The Norwegian government provides students from developing countries in the South and countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and in Central Asia with financial support to study for a degree in Norway under the Quota Scheme.

The main objective of the Quota Scheme is to contribute to capacity building through education that will benefit the home country of the students when they return. The Quota Scheme is also intended to strengthen relations between Norway and the selected countries and thus contribute to internationalisation at Norwegian institutions of higher education.

The Quota Scheme currently provides funding for a total of 1,100 students, 800 of them from developing countries in the South and 300 from countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and in Central Asia.

Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. 40 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 60 per cent as a loan. However, the loan portion may be waived when the student returns to his/her home country after completing the course of study. Students who stay in Norway after finishing their studies or take up residence in another country than their home country must repay the loan.

Travelling expenses for entry into Norway may be reimbursed (fixed price). Students can apply for one annual home visit if the educational programme lasts longer than one year and for financial support for travelling expenses for field work during the course of study. When the student returns home within 3 months after finishing his/her studies, the cost of travelling home is covered by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.

Normally, the financial support given will not exceed a time span of four years for one definite study plan or a combination of two programmes. Part-time studies are not supported.

Most universities and university colleges in Norway participate in the Quota scheme. The institutions involved are allocated a certain number of students under the programme each year. The scheme normally includes courses at Master’s and Ph.D. level in addition to certain professional/Bachelor’s degrees. Most of the Norwegian institutions offer courses and educational programmes in English.

The institutions of higher education that are part of the Quota Scheme handle all applications from prospective students. Information about the application procedure for the Quota Scheme should be available at the participating universities’ and university colleges’ websites. 


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