Friday, December 7, 2012

Global Health Corps Fellowship

Global Health Corps (GHC) provides opportunities for young professionals from diverse backgrounds to work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity. It is currently open to accepting applications for the 2013-14 fellowship opportunity.
Global Health Corps fellows are agents of change who:
(A) Are committed to social justice: GHC leaders believe that all human beings deserve to be treated with dignity, and that healthcare is a human right. Fellows share a vision for a better world and are committed to creating transformative change.
(B) Collaborate: GHC leaders appreciate the interconnected roots of global health inequities, and seek opportunities to collaborate across disciplines and backgrounds in pursuit of social change.
(C) Inspire and mobilize others: GHC leaders can envision a just society and paint a compelling picture for others.  They communicate complex concepts clearly and seek opportunities to use their personal stories as tools to engage others in the movement for health equity(D) Adapt and innovate: Fellows can weather adversity and remain committed to their goals. They see challenges and uncertainty as opportunities to create new solutions to old problems. They think outside the box.
(E) Are self-aware and committed to learning: Fellows understand that their development as leaders, practitioners and humans is a life-long process that requires humility, continual reflection and work.
(F) Get results: GHC leaders get things done! Actively working against a “business as usual” attitude, they improve the wellbeing of the world’s poor and vulnerable by empowering communities, organizations and governments to bring about positive change.

To be selected as a Global Health Corps fellow, you must:
                    Be 30 or under at the time of application
                    Have an undergraduate university degree by July 2013
                    Be proficient in English

Application Timeline for the 2013-2014 Fellowship:
                    December 3, 2012: Part 1 of the application opens
                    December 21, 2012: Position descriptions posted online. Part 2 of the application opens
                    February 3, 2013: Applications close
                    February 20, 2013: 2 letters of recommendation due

Fellows come from a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds, as each individual fellowship position requires different specific skills.

There is no single experience, background, quality or skill that makes someone the “right” candidate for the fellowship. Rather, we are looking for outstanding individuals who are seeking to apply their skills and their passion for health equity to a lifelong community of global changemakers. We do not expect that fellows will have a background in public health or that they have been involved in international development work before. We believe that global health organizations can greatly benefit from individuals who have worked in or studied a wide variety of fields. We strongly encourage applicants from all sectors to apply, including but by no means limited to engineering, finance, consulting, government, architecture, research, technology, and education. We are seeking a new brand of leaders — motivated individuals with both the concrete skills and the passion to help build the movement for health equity.

The strength of our movement stems from the diversity of our fellows, each of whom brings a unique personal and professional background. Through your application, we want to understand your personal background, your professional skills and experiences and how these factors inform your desire to be a GHC fellow.

A primary way that we identify GHC fellows is their approach to leadership. We have found that transformational leaders in global health, and successful GHC fellows, are committed to the following leadership practices.

In selection of GHC fellows, we are not looking for evidence of leadership experience, but rather an alignment with the leadership practices listed below.

Further details about the fellowship can be found at


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