Scholarship is open applicants seeking
admission to the Nanyang MBA, (full time MBA programme only) at Nanyang
Business School, NTU.
- Open to all nationals / citizens
- Selection is based mainly on merit, and to a certain extent financial consideration
- You should not be on paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award
Coverage of
tuition fees for up to 4 trimesters.
There is no bond
attached to the scholarship.
You can apply for
this scholarship when you are filling in your application form.
- Application forms may be obtained from the MBA Office when applications for the MBA programme open in October each year.
- Application for the scholarship should be submitted to the MBA Office together with the application for admission to the MBA programme.
- For enquiries, please contact the MBA office at nbsmba@ntu.edu.sg
work and duties
As a recipient of
the scholarship, you may be called upon to assist in some administrative or
research work of not more than 5 hours per week.
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