Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Harold Ford Melbourne JD Scholarships, University of Melbourne, Australia

The Melbourne JD Harold Ford Scholarship is an initiative between the Melbourne Law School, alumni and leading members of the legal profession who shared the vision that law school should be open for all capable students regardless of their financial situation.

Named in honour of Professor Emeritus Harold Ford, former Dean of Melbourne Law School, this scholarship provides a number of selected students with financial support during their JD.

In 2013, up to four scholarships of $15,000 over three years will be available. The scholarship will be paid to the recipient as an annual payment of $5,000. The number and value of the scholarships are subject to the net annual income of the trust from which this scholarship is awarded.

Applicants must:
  • Studying or planning to study the Melbourne JD; and
  • Have demonstrable financial need.
The Melbourne JD Harold Ford Scholarships are awarded to applicants based on demonstrated financial need. Consideration may also be given to personal statements.

How to apply
Students offered a place in the JD will automatically be considered for this scholarship. Consideration will be given to financial need and only those who have applied under the disadvantaged socio-economic category of the Graduate Access Melbourne Scheme (GAMS) will automatically be considered. If you have not previously done so and now wish to supply this financial information, please follow the steps below:
  1. Complete a JD GAM Supplementary form and include your full name, date of birth, and application/student ID on the front page.
  2. Prepare a one page covering letter (not more than one page in length) stating that you wish to be considered for a Harold Ford Scholarship.
  3. Email the completed form, supporting documents, and one page letter to by 5.00pm on Monday 10 December 2012.


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