Sunday, December 22, 2013

FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP), Germany

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies announces the Individual FCFP fellowships for the academic year 2014/15. The fellowships start on September 1, 2014.

Up to 18 FCFP fellowships are available to researchers regardless of their nationality and field of research. According to the EU mobility rule, applicants must have had their main residence or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) outside Germany for more than 24 months during the 3 years prior to the application deadline; compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. Returnees from phases of international, inter-sectoral and/or non-academic mobility (such as researching outside Germany, working for industry, or after a career break e.g. due to family reasons) are especially encouraged to apply.

Fellowships of 3 to 12 months in the Senior scheme and of 12 months (humanities and social sciences) or up to 24 months (natural sciences, medicine, engineering) in the Junior scheme may be applied for. They will allow researchers to conduct their own research projects. Fellowships will be awarded to individuals with challenging and innovative research projects of high academic quality. The determining selection criteria are the academic excellence of both the applicant and of the project proposal. Personal qualifications with regard to international expertise, leadership skills and interdisciplinary interest will also be taken into account during the evaluation of the applications.

Application is open to proposals from all disciplines that can be supported at the University of Freiburg.  Applicants are encouraged to learn about the University of Freiburg’s profile of particular research strengths as well as the (non-exclusionary) research foci of the institute for the academic year 2014/15.

Successful applicants will become FRIAS fellows with all the corresponding rights and obligations for the requested funding period.  Each fellow will receive an internationally attractive living allowance (Junior: E 13 TV-L, Senior: W3-equivalent professorial salary, additional regulations apply for applicants with unlimited work contracts at their home institution), mobility allowance and a research cost contribution (theoretical sciences: up to 5.000 €, experimental sciences: up to 12.500 €). A mentoring program is put in place for each Junior Fellow in her/his career development.

FRIAS unites research in the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences, engineering and medicine. It is the aim of the Institute to support academic exchange across existing boundaries: between disciplines, between different cultures and countries, between established and younger researchers. Furthermore, FRIAS engages in activities opening the research community to society and politics. Fellows will be part of this community and profit from the lively research environment of the university and its eleven faculties.
The institute provides its fellows with modern office space and an up-to-date infrastructure. Accommodation is available through the university guest house and additional centrally located apartments. Fellows have full access to all library services from one of the leading German university libraries. Special attention is given to fellows who plan to come to Freiburg together with their families.
FRIAS lies geographically close to both France and Switzerland and actively takes advantage of the rich intellectual resources of this truly European region, with research links to the universities of Basel (Switzerland) and Strasbourg (France) being of particular importance.

The completed FCFP application form together with the required documents has to be uploaded on the application website for External Senior Fellowships or Junior Fellowships by January 10th, 2014.


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