Two Scholarships will be awarded for the MSc in Behavioural Science offered by the Stirling Management School.
Applications from students of all Nationalities will be considered. Students must hold, or expect to obtain, an offer, or an unconditional offer, of a place on the full time MSc in Behavioural Science for entry in September 2014.
Number of awards: 2
Value: £6,000 each
Deadline: 10th June 2014
How to apply
Complete the Application Form, ensuring all sections are answered legibly, and provide a 500-1000 word statement on the following:
- why you are applying for this Scholarship
- why a Scholarship would help you
- which modules of the MSc are of particular interest to you and why
- what your expectations are in terms of learning outcomes
- what would you like to be able to do and achieve as a result of successful completion of the course; your educational or professional aims for the five years after you complete the course.
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