Indian National Science Academy(INSA) has instituted the INSA-JRD TATA FELLOWSHIP administered by CICS in honour of the late JRD Tata, visionary and a leading industrialist.
The purpose of this Fellowship is to extend facilities of scientific infrastructure and expertise of India to scientists and researchers from other developing countries. The Fellowship established from an Endowment received from Sir Dorabji Tata Trust fosters advanced research training of scientists from the developing world and promote south-south co-operation.
The Fellowship is intended for researchers(Nationals) from developing countries except India, who have aptitude for research and would be desirous of working in an Indian research laboratory for a maximum period of 3 months. Applicants possessing Doctorate or Master´s Degree in Science or equivalent degree in Engineering/Medicine and allied disciplines, below 45 years of age may apply.
The fellowship covers 1) cost of return airfare from place of work in their home country to place of work in India 2) maintenance allowance and incidentals for three months, 3) accommodation to be provided by the host institute either free of cost or at nominal charges and 4) contingency grant for purchase of books and stationery.
Selection is based on the recommendations of a Committee consisting of eminent scientists. The committee meets twice a year during May and November.
Application form may be downloaded from this website and sent to the Director, CICS.
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